Quick 5 Interview: Jamie Levine

CTA conducted a Quick 5 interview with new CTA Board of Directors member, Jamie Levine, to introduce her to our community.

CTA: What motivated you to join CTA’s Board of Directors?
JAMIE: I volunteered for The Little Mermaid and music directed Descendants last season and I fell in love with the CTA family. I wanted to join the board because I want to make an impact and make a difference in young artists’ lives and help the organization continue to grow.

CTA: What special skills/experience do you bring to this position?
JAMIE: My expertise as a vocal technician, a music director, and a singer.

CTA: How has theatre impacted your life?
JAMIE: In addition to being a voice teacher and a music director, I am a performer in opera and musical theatre. I have been involved in many amazing productions, including a few world premieres. I have met some of my best friends in theatre and I love the community that I have built through theatre.

CTA: Why do you think theatre education is important for our youth?
JAMIE: Theatre education is essential because it teaches kids important tools such as collaboration, working as a team, being a part of a community, and creating something special.

CTA: What is your favorite play or musical?
JAMIE: Usually my favorite musical is whatever I am currently working on with students, music directing, or performing.

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