Character Breakdown – Tuck Everlasting

Roles for Tuck Everlasting

 Winnie Foster – (Female-presenting, pre-teen or teen, vocal range: A3-E5). Winnie is an 11-year-old girl from Treegap, New Hampshire whom the story centers upon. Growing up in a strict household, she longs to discover the world beyond her own backyard and ends up going on the adventure of a lifetime when she meets Jesse and the rest of the Tuck family. Specific age is not important for the casting of Winnie, just that the actor cast must believably be able to play an 11-year-old girl full of excitement, spunk, and wonder.

Jesse Tuck – (Male-presenting, teen or young adult, vocal range: F3-C5 ) Jesse is the youngest and most optimistic of the Tuck family at 17. He quickly becomes friends with Winnie, attempting to show her how life can be filled with fun forever. Again, specific age is not important for the casting of Jesse, just the ability to play a fun-loving, cheerful 17-year-old.

Angus Tuck – (Male-presenting, 30s-50s, vocal range: E3-B4) Angus is the patriarch of the Tuck family, married to Mae. Along with the other members of the Tuck family, he teaches Winnie about the beauty of living life in all its seasons.

Mae Tuck – (Female-presenting, 30s-50s, vocal range: A3-E5) Mae is the matriarch of the Tuck family, married to Angus. She loves all her boys, and is kind to Winnie.

Miles Tuck – (Male-presenting, 20s-30s, vocal range: F3-C5) Miles is the oldest son of the Tuck family. He has traveled the world, and is much more mature than Jesse.

The Man in the Yellow Suit – (Male-presenting, 40+, vocal range: G3-B4) The Man in the Yellow Suit, who is never given any other name, is the show’s antagonist. He has traveled with the circus most of his life in hopes of finding the Fountain of Youth.

Constable Joe – (Male-presenting, 40+, vocal range: F3-B4) Joe is the town’s law enforcement, and Hugo’s mentor.

Hugo – (Male-presenting, teen or young adult, vocal range: G3-C5) Hugo is a 15-year-old self-starter who assists Joe with the very few investigations that arise in Treegap. Specific age is not important in casting Hugo, only that the actor must be able to play an eager, questionably competent, young investigator.

Winnie’s Mother – (Female-presenting, 30s-50s, vocal range: A3-E5) Winnie’s protective mother.

Winnie’s Grandmother – (Female-presenting, 50+, vocal range: A3-C#5) Winnie’s grandmother who lives with her and her mom.

Ensemble – (Any vocal range, Ages 12+) The ensemble in this show play a variety of roles, including townsfolk, travelers, spirits, carnival workers and patrons.

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