Tuck Everlasting the Musical:  Audition Monologues

Tuck Everlasting the Musical:  Audition Monologues

When auditioning for Tuck Everlasting, you will be asked to perform one or more of the following monologues.  You do not have to memorize these!  The director may ask you to read more than one so please be familiar with all of them.

Winnie Foster: Maybe it’s today, when something exciting happens…or something, just anything… Please not another day when nothing happens. Can I go outside and play before breakfast? Can we have breakfast outside this morning? Remember when Dad made waffles and we ate them outside and you said it was just like as picnic? Can we have an adventure? Please? Please? 

Jesse Tuck: Look around you, the flowers, and the trees, and the frogs, they’re all part of the wheel. They’re always changing, always growing, like you Winnie. Your life is never the same, you were once a child, now you’re about to become a woman. Then one day you’ll go out, like the flame of a candle. You’ll make way for new life. That’s a certainty. That’s the natural way of things. 

Miles Tuck: Ma, shut the music box, you never know who could hear it. Here Ma, happy ten Birthdays…It’s good to be home but I never felt like I truly belonged here. Perhaps people like me will never have a home. A house yes, but can anyone feel truly at home when so separated from the people around them? – so alienated from something so basic as time? 

Mae Tuck: Angus what anniversary are we up to? What’s a marriage after a century passes? Winnie said she wanted to drink the water…that frightened me. Winnie’s going home, the boys are leaving…we’ve talked more in one day than we have talked in years…are you with me or are you just snoring near me? We have to go…I know it’s for the best. 

Angus Tuck: Do you like fishing? I didn’t have to teach Jesse; I think he was born already knowing how…both my boys could swim before they could walk. I think you’ve got a fish on your line, pull it up…Well done Winnie, Trout for breakfast! Ok…Ok…I’ll put him back…there you can see him swimming away…you know Winnie, the time before we drank when we could hurt, when we could die, those are the only moments that matter. 

The Man in the Yellow Suit: Well, now. Aren’t you wise beyond your – eleven years, is it? I’m a carnival man, young lady! It’s my business to know un-knowable things…We have something in common…I’d do anything to live forever, and I mean anything. Would you? Now, I don’t suppose you’ve noticed anyone strange around here recently… Been up and down the state, looking for a highly unusual family. Used to live here in Treegap, some time ago. 

Hugo: Look at him go…he’s got legs like a cricket. We can’t let him get too far ahead. But then again, a fellow dressed in yellow isn’t going to be too hard to track. But not a nice yellow like chicks and daffodils or butter, or corn or ducks, or lemon wedges. I got a feeling this is all gonna come apart like wet bread. 

Betsy Foster: No, I’d like to hear your essay before you go out and play. Go on dear… good girl! Afterwards we can have breakfast in the parlour. How would you like that? I know it’s not as fun as eating outside but the world is a dangerous place and we have to stay safe and keep busy. Good girl, now you can fill in a map with all the state capitals and when your done you can go outside but you must stay within the gate! 

Nana: Elves…the Elves interrupted first …Did you hear them, Winnie? The Elves did you hear them? I first heard them when I was a little girl playing in the wood. You know Elves are green and shiny like leaves. Stories are everything…one small story and the earth opens up wide. (beat) Ohhh… thy are going the Elves are going… 

Constable Joe: Slow down Hugo, I’m hotter than a griddle in a pancake supper. Now this being your first case, I suggest you keep your eyes open and your mouth closed. Betsy Foster, I came as soon as I got your message. Maybe Winnie ran away, maybe she went to the fair… I’m gonna take a good look around. Don’t worry Betsy, we’ll find her.

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